Saturday, November 7, 2015

Life isn't unfair and life isn't cruel. It's life, you control the majority of it. Occasionally shit happens that is out of your control but that is not the common theme. You control most of it. The fact that most people on this Earth claim that life isn't fair and life is cruel is a testament to just how fucking dumb the majority of people are on this Earth. Sometimes random shit happens. Such is life, those that aren't fucking idiots can handle it.
It's not God testing you. God didn't decide for you to major in Psychology or Theater and then expect a job, that was your dumb-ass. Furthermore, the Devil didn't make you late to work today, that was a  lack of preparation on your part. Own your fucking shit. There's not some asshole clown making you fuck up. You're fucking up. Have you ever noticed that people that are successful seem to have good luck? It's not good luck, it's their actions that are paying off.
I nearly want to jump off a bridge every time I hear someone bitching about how hard it is to have 3 kids. They were struggling at 2 kids, and then decided to have a third, but how about this -- if you aren't financially stable, don't own a house, don't have anything above a high school about you not fucking breed. You and your ilk wouldn't have made it in the real world where it was survival of the fittest and you and all of your idiot offspring are fucking up the future of the human race. Seriously people of anti-science, go away.

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